Need custom-fabricated metal roof trim? Rely on the skilled crew at Bowlder Metal to do a great job! With help from our trained techniciacians, you’ll be able to get your material fabricated to fit your needs.
Bowlder Metal is certied by ANSI / SPRI ES-1. Our aim is to provide you with exceptional service at all times. We can fabricate custom trims for your commercial and residential roofing and siding projects in metal, right from 26-gauge up to 14-gauge steel. Contact us today!
Our Custom-Fabricated Trim Options
- 26-gauge to 14-gauge steel
- .032 to .080 Aluminum
- 26-gauge to 16-gauge stainless steel
- 16 oz and 20 oz Copper
Materials That We Work With
- Steel
- Aluminum
- Stainless Steel
- Copper
View our Color Options
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